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How Can You Be More Innovative?

Innovation is essential today for companies to sustain future revenue growth and, ultimately, to survive. Customers demand more new products in shorter time intervals, often customized to their own needs. They want more attractive designs, better performance, better quality, lower prices, and instant availability.

But innovation is more than just coming up with a few new and creative ideas every once in a while. True and successful innovation is complex and has to be purposefully planned and carefully executed. It demands clear objectives, a solid strategy and a methodical approach to be sustainable and repeatable. And it spans across two major and distinct phases, each with clearly defined processes, tasks, deliverables, resources and tools: The front-end of innovation or ideation phase, where ideas are born, managed, evaluated and selected, and the execution phase, where ideas are transformed into reality and commercialized.

The Innovation Diagnostic will take a detailed look at your company’s innovation objectives, strategy, culture, organization and results, as illustrated in the PLMadvisors Innovation Performance Model, and provide you with a detailed diagnosis of your company’s overall innovation performance and compare it with best-in-class and other, similar companies in your industry.

The Innovation Diagnostic will show strengths and improvement areas in your organization’s innovation performance, specifically in the following areas:

  • Current innovation results versus desired results and results of best-in-class companies
  • Innovation strategy
  • Innovation organization, including people, work, structure, rewards, decision making and information
  • Innovation culture
  • Ideation, including idea generation and idea management
  • Innovation execution, including innovation pipeline and the process to turn an idea into a successful product, service or improvement.

The results of the Innovation Diagnostic will provide you with an excellent foundation to make innovation in your organization methodical, repeatable, sustainable and ultimately successful.

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